[Advisory] The Mastercard Canopy Bridge will be closed on 29 March from 12pm to 5pm for a private event. 

Plants At Canopy Park

Come explore and enjoy the wide range of unique flora along the garden trails!

Get to know the plants

Olea Europaea (Olive Tree)

Olea europaea is a slow-growing evergreen tree that, when it matures, exhibits a gnarled trunk with a low, spreading trunk comprising narrow silvery leaves.


Its fruit, known as olive, starts green and gradually darkens to purple or black when ripe. It is eaten, usually after being cured in brine, and is also used to make cooking oil.


Olives trees are pollinated by wind and not by wildlife, therefore, the direction of wind during bloom time is an important consideration.


Can be found at Canopy Park, opposite Foggy Bowls


Moist tropical forests, Steep hillsides and ledges


Africa, Temperate Asia, Southern Europe

Nymphaea Nouchali (Water Lily)

Water lilies are day-blooming, opening their large, beautiful flowers in the morning and eventually closing from mid-afternoon onwards. Water lilies have underground stems (rhizomes) buried in the mud. From the rhizome grows long stalks which hold the leaves and flower above the water surface.


The Impressionist painter, Claude Monet, often featured water lilies in his artwork, most noticeably in his series of paintings called Water Lillies.


Can be found at Canopy Park, Source Pool


Ponds, Wetlands, and Edges of dams


Southern and Eastern parts of Asia

BEAUCARNEA Recurvata (Ponytail Palm)

Do not let its common name fool you – this plant is not a true palm but hails from the Asparagus family. It has wispy leaves that droop down in a cluster like the tail of a pony and its stem has a distinctive swollen base.


Mature plants can produce creamy white flowers borne in clusters. Flowering occur very infrequently (between 10 to 30 years for a plant to first bloom) and the last time this specimen in Jewel bloomed was on 22 June 2023. 


Can be found at Canopy Park, next to Discovery Slides


Semi-desert to low deciduous forest


East Mexico

Pandanus Utilis (Screw Pine)

This odd-looking tree is from the Pandanaceae family, the same family as the culinary pandan plant (Pandanus amaryllifolius) used in local cuisine. The screw pine grows stilt-like aerial roots which help support its weight. It occasionally will produce large fruits that loosely resemble pineapples.


Its leaves are used by traditional communities to make ropes, baskets, and thatches for roofs. 


Can be found at Canopy Park, along Topiary Walk and next to the Source Pool


Along coasts



Agave Vivipara (Caribbean Agave)

Agave plants have a long history of ethnobotanical importance, especially to the people of Mexico. They have strong fibrous tissue in their leaves which makes them useful to make items such as brushes, ropes, sleeping mats and even sandals.


The roots of agave plants contain saponins which can be used as a  natural substitute for commercially produced soap.


Can be found at Canopy Park, Foggy Bowls




Mexico, Southeast United States

ANGIOPTERIS Evecta (Elephant Fern)

As its common name suggests, this fern grows exceptionally large, producing fronds of up to 3 metres in length by 2 metres in width which are thought to be the largest in the world.


Interestingly, despite its size, the fern does not have any woody tissue and instead relies on the hydraulic pressure of its sap to support its fronds. It also is regarded as a “primitive” plant, with a history that dates to about 300 million years


Can be found at Canopy Park, at Topiary Walk and under Bouncing Net


Primary rainforest, Freshwater swamp forest


Native to Singapore

Ficus Microcarpa (Indian Laurel Fig, Banyan Fig Tree)

Ficus microcarpa also known as the Banyan Fig Tree, is famous for its aerial roots which sprout from the branches and eventually reach the soil. Interestingly, this tree has a unique relationship with wasps as they have evolved with it and is the only insect that can pollinate the tree.


This tree is also known to be medicinal: its roots, bark and leaf latex are used to treat wounds, headaches, and even oral issues such as toothache and ulcers. The aerial roots are useful in treating skin diseases too!


Can be found at Canopy Park, along the main path 


Primary rainforest, Freshwater swamp forest


India, South China, Indochina, Malesia, Polynesia, and Tropical Australia

Ficus Benghalensis (Indian Banyan, Banyan Tree)

Ficus benghalensis is native to the Indian Subcontinent and is among the largest trees in terms of canopy coverage. The Indian banyan can reach a height of up to 30 metres and spread laterally indefinitely. It also produces aerial roots which turn into woody trunks once they take root into the ground.


This tree is also the national tree of India. It can be usually seen planted around temples as it is sacred to Hindus and Buddhists. It represents growth, strength, and self-awareness through reflection and meditation.


Can be found at Canopy Park, near Discovery Slides and at the entrance of Bouncing Net


Tropical Forest



Heptapleurum Actinophylla (Umbrella Tree / Octopus Tree)

An evergreen tree that can grow up to 15 metres tall. It grows in a group of seven leaflets with a palmate arrangement, resembling small umbrellas giving its common name, the “Umbrella Tree”.


Heptapleurum actinophylla can produce up to 1000 flowers that generate large amount of nectar which attract nectar-eating birds that pollinate them. Its flowers rise in long, reddish arms, resembling the tentacles of an octopus which gives it its other common name, ‘Octopus Tree’. 


Can be found at Canopy Park, in front of Nursing Rooms (next to Foggy Bowls)


Primary rainforest



Dracaena Loureiri (Dragon Blood Tree, Thai Dracaena)

Dracaena loureiri, also known by Thais as ‘Jun-Par’, is part of the large genus of plants (Dracaena) which comes from the romanised form of the ancient Greek word ‘δράκαινα’ – drakaina,  which means “female dragon”.


Once mature, the trunk divide into several sub-trunks, each with its own spikey green crown. The leaves are stalkless and can grow up to 5 – 15 metres in height. With their tolerance for lower light and infrequent watering, they are favoured as indoor feature plants 


Can be found at Canopy Park, beside the mandarin ducks pond


Inland cliff


Vietnam and Thailand

Magnolia x Alba (White Champaca, White Sandalwood, White Jade Orchid Tree)

Magnola x alba commonly known as White Champaca, is derived from its local name in Indonesian, Cempaka Putih.


The flowers of this tree are commonly used in Asia countries in various ways: Indonesians and Thais use them as flower garlands to be worn by the brides and grooms in traditional weddings; in China, the flowers are used to make tea known as yulan tea. It is also used as traditional medicine to relieve cough.


Can be found at Canopy Park, behind Petal Garden


Evergreen forest


Cultivated Hybrid

Chambeyronia Macrocarpa (Red Leaf Palm)

This palm gets its common name from the color of the newly emergent leaves, which have a reddish hue for several weeks until maturing into green. It can grow up to 15 metres tall with its leaves ranging from 2 to 4 metres in length.


Each leaf has 37 - 40 widely spaced leaflets on each side. Their leaflets are leathery and have a prominent mid rib with 2 lateral veins, which gives its pleated appearance. 


Can be found at Canopy Park, under the Bouncing Nets 



Rainforest, Near streams


New Caledonia

Pandanus Amaryllifolius (Pandan)

Pandanus amaryllifolius commonly known as pandan, is known for its aroma, and is used as flavouring in Malay and Peranakan cuisine, particularly rice and desserts.


The leaves of pandan are sword-like, growing about 1 – 2 metres in length and 4-7 centimetres wide. It is arranged spirally in three rows at the tips of the branches. When fully grown, the midrib would bend and the upper third or so of the leaves hangs down, giving pandan plants their drooping appearance. 


Can be found at Canopy Park, in front the Mandarin Ducks Pond



Low land swamps, Along rivers


Southeast Asia

Brownea Grandiceps (Rose of Venezuela)

A small and slow-growing tree with stout branches with leaves that have a unique habit: when young leaves first unfold, they are pale green and droop, but as they mature turn brownish-pink and eventually a uniform shade of green. It bears large, round inflorescences comprising of many crimson or purple tubular flowers.


Can be found at Canopy Park, Topiary Walk


Tropical rainforest


South America

Alpinia Zerumbet ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Shell Ginger)

This plant belongs to the ginger family. This variegated variety features white stripes along its leaves.


It is cultivated throughout Southeast Asia as an ornamental plant as well as for its medicinal properties – leaves can be made into a decoction to be used in a bath to sooth fevers, and its rhizome can be used to treat a wide range of digestive disorders.


Can be found at Shiseido Foret Valley (East Trail, level 4)


Tropical, Sub-Tropical


This cultivar is of horticultural origin.

Cyperus Alternifolius (Umbrella Sedge, Umbrella Plant)

Cyperus alternifolius is an emergent aquatic plant that can grow up to 2 metres in height. The leaf-like structure forms an umbrella pattern which therefore gives its common name, Umbrella Sedge.


Originating in Africa, the ash of this plant is used to treat wounds and decoctions are consumed to treat fevers and stomach issues.


Can be found at Canopy Park (at the sides of the Source Pool)


Fresh Pond, River and Lake


Madagascar and Mauritius

Spathiphyllum Wallisii (Peace Lily)

Spathiphyllum wallisii or commonly known as Peace Lily, can grow up to 50 centimetres in height and width and its leaves being dark green and glossy.


This plant is well known for its air purifying abilities. It is great at breaking down and neutralizing toxic gases like carbon monoxide, making it a popular indoor plant for many.


Can be found at Canopy Park, opposite the mandarin ducks pond


Tropical rainforest


Colombia and Venezuela

Anthurium Andraeanum (Flamingo Lily, Painter’s Palette, Flamingo flower)

Anthurium andraeanum is an epiphytic evergreen tropical perennial of the Araceae family, which is known for its waxy, palette-shaped bright red spathes and contrasting dark green foliage.


Its spathe is to protect the spadix, which contains several tiny flowers when it blooms. The spathe can come in many colours such as pink, red, orange, and white.


Can be found at Canopy Park, beside Mirror Maze


The rainforest of Colombia and Ecuador


Colombia and Ecuador

Costus Curvibracteatus (Orange Tulip Ginger, Dward Orange Ginger, Spiral Ginger)

The orange tulip ginger is an evergreen perennial that grows up to 3 metres tall. This plant produces bright orange flowers with red bracts and its wide leaves attached to the stem in a spiral fashion. 


Despite its common name, and its relationship to the ginger family, the rhizomes of this plant are not edible.


Can be found at Canopy Park, beside Discovery Slides


Understory of forested area


Costa Rica and Panama

Asparagus Sprengeri (Asparagus Fern)

Asparagus sprengeri commonly known as the Aparagus Fern, is often referred to as a fern, when in fact, it is not. It produces seeds rather than spores like fern does and it is related to asparagus.


This plant has bushy, foxtail-like stems which gracefully arch backwards and can grow up to 1 metre long. They also have a smaller spine along the stem compared to other Asparagus species.


Can be found at Canopy Park, opposite Bouncing Net




South Africa

Purchase your tickets to Canopy Park

Canopy Park ticket includes:

1. Discovery Slides#

2. Foggy Bowls

3. Petal Garden

4. Topiary Walk


Standard Rate

Adult/Child - SGD 8


Singapore Residents*

Adult/Child/**Student/Senior - SGD 6


CapitaStar Members & Changi Rewards Members Special Rate  
[Available at Jewel Concierge Counters (L1, 2, 5)]

Adult/Child/**Student/Senior - SGD 5.40


Child: 3 - 12 years old | Senior: 60 years old and above
All Child ticket holders must be accompanied by a paying Adult.

Minimum height requirement is 110cm.

* Applicable for Singapore citizens, permanent residents, employment pass, work permit and dependent pass holders. Proof of residency may be required at the point of ticket purchase and upon admission.

**Current students of local Universities, Polytechnics, Junior Colleges, Institutes of Technical Education and Secondary School holding a valid student photo ID are eligible to purchase student ticket. Verification will be done at the point of entry.

Deal includes:

1. Canopy Park (Incl. Discovery Slides#, Foggy Bowls, Petal Garden, Topiary Walk)

2. Mastercard® Canopy Bridge

3. Hedge Maze

4. Mirror Maze

5. Walking Net#



Standard Rate

Adult - SGD 39  |  **Child - SGD 29


Child: 3 - 12 years old 
All Child ticket holders must be accompanied by a paying Adult

#Minimum height requirement is 110cm.

**Applicable to both local student and senior.


Deal includes:

1. Canopy Park (Incl. Discovery Slides#, Foggy Bowls, Petal Garden, Topiary Walk)

2. Mastercard® Canopy Bridge

3. Hedge Maze

4. Mirror Maze

5. Walking Net#

6. Bouncing Net^#



Standard Rate

Adult - SGD 54  |  **Child - SGD 39


Child: 3 - 12 years old
All Child ticket holders must be accompanied by a paying Adult

^Rates are valid for one 45-min session inclusive of a compulsory safety briefing of estimated 10 mins.

Minimum height requirement is 110cm.

**Applicable to both local student and senior.

Deal includes:

1. Changi Experience Studio+

2. Canopy Park (Incl. Discovery Slides#, Foggy Bowls, Petal Garden, Topiary Walk)

3. Mastercard® Canopy Bridge

4. Hedge Maze

5. Mirror Maze

6. Walking Net#


Note: Changi Experience Studio opens from 11am to 8pm with last admission at 7pm.


Standard Rate

Adult - SGD 56  |  **Child - SGD 40


Child: 3 - 12 years old
All Child ticket holders must be accompanied by a paying Adult

+ Attraction is suitable for children aged 6 and above.

Minimum height requirement is 110cm.

**Applicable to both local student and senior.


Deal includes:

1. Changi Experience Studio+

2. Canopy Park (Incl. Discovery Slides#, Foggy Bowls, Petal Garden, Topiary Walk)

3. Mastercard® Canopy Bridge

4. Hedge Maze

5. Mirror Maze

6. Walking Net#

7. Bouncing Net^#


Note: Changi Experience Studio opens from 11am to 8pm with last admission at 7pm.


Standard Rate

Adult - SGD 71  |  **Child - SGD 50


Child: 3 - 12 years old 
All Child ticket holders must be accompanied by a paying Adult

+ Attraction is suitable for children aged 6 and above.

^Rates are valid for one 45-min session inclusive of a compulsory safety briefing of estimated 10 mins.

Minimum height requirement is 110cm.

**Applicable to both local student and senior.