[注意事项] 您也可以在第 2 航站楼到达大厅(靠近 31 号传送带)的星耀樟宜柜台购买景点门票。


[注意事项] Mastercard 天悬桥将于 7 月 12 日晚上 7 点至 8 点关闭,以举办一场私人活动。我们对由此造成的不便深表歉意。


[注意事项] 蹦跳网将于 7 月 27 日关闭,以举办蹦跳网挑战赛。下午 2 点后恢复正常开放。

Jack's Place

Opening Hours

10:00 AM - 10:00 PM, Daily

Store Location


For the past five decades, Jack’s Place has been the trusted favourite for family and friends to enjoy great value sizzling steaks, specialty meals, and sumptuous cakes. Jack’s Place is committed to serving quality food and creating memorable dining experiences in a cheerful and cozy environment for its guests.