[注意事项] 您也可以在第 2 航站楼到达大厅(靠近 31 号传送带)的星耀樟宜柜台购买景点门票。


[注意事项] 樟宜时空体验馆将于 7 月 20 日上午 10 点至下午 1 点和 8 月 16 日下午 3 点至晚上 8 点(最后入场时间为下午 2 点)关闭,以举办私人活动。 


[注意事项] 蹦跳网将于 7 月 27 日关闭,以举办蹦跳网挑战赛。下午 2 点后恢复正常开放。


Opening Hours

10:00 AM - 10:00 PM, Daily

Store Location


You can now savour the same high quality and standards that is Kam’s Roast, right here in Singapore. The Roast Duck is one of their signature dishes, and the dish showcases the full flavour of the duck, as well as its succulent meat and enticing texture. Other menu highlights include Crispy Roast Pork, Iberico Char Siu, Pipa Duck, Orange Peel Red Bean Soup and braised dishes.