[注意事项] 您也可以在第 2 航站楼到达大厅(靠近 31 号传送带)的星耀樟宜柜台购买景点门票。


[注意事项] 蹦跳网将于 7 月 27 日关闭,以举办蹦跳网挑战赛。下午 2 点后恢复正常开放。


[注意事项] 樟宜时空体验馆将于 8 月 16 日下午 3 点至晚上 8 点(最后入场时间为下午 2 点)关闭,以举办私人活动。 

FairPrice Finest

Opening Hours

09:00 AM - 11:00 PM, Daily

Store Location


FairPrice Finest, by NTUC FairPrice, seeks to bring the finer things in life to customers at fair prices. The store is a balance between simplicity and sophistication, value and quality, wellness and indulgence. With rising aspirations and increasingly cosmopolitan lifestyles of Singaporeans, FairPrice Finest combines the heritage of a trusted brand with the experience of fine living. Delivered by a team of knowledgeable and friendly staff, the concept is brought to life through exciting product offerings, lifestyle events and dedicated service.